

Are Veterinary Check-ups Necessary for Rabbits and Bunnies?
Absolutely! Veterinary care is crucial for all animals, but it’s especially vital for rabbits. These furry friends are masters at masking illness, making regular veterinary check-ups and annual wellness exams essential.

Dr. Molly Kase
Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

How Should I Transport My Rabbit to the Veterinarian?
Opt for small animal carriers, similar to those used for cats, which are ideal for safely transporting rabbits.

What’s on a Bunny’s Menu?
Rabbits require a diverse diet. The cornerstone is grass-based hay, provided in unlimited amounts. Fresh veggies and a small portion of bunny pellets complement their diet well. It’s best to avoid seed mixes and sugary treats like fruits.

Setting Up for Success: What Does a Pet Bunny Need at Home?
Ensure your bunny has ample space, such as an exercise pen or a dedicated room. Provide essentials like a cozy hideout, litter box with hay, food and water bowls, along with plenty of toys and mental stimulation.

Are Rabbits Clever?
Indeed, rabbits are intelligent creatures, thriving on mental stimulation and interaction. Engage with them regularly to keep them happy and stimulated.

Can Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Coexist?
It’s not advisable to house rabbits and guinea pigs together due to potential disease transmission and differing social behaviors.

Do Bunnies Bite?
Rabbits may nip, especially when unhappy. While some bites are playful, others may signal discomfort or distress.

Are Vaccines Necessary for Rabbits?
Yes, particularly in the United States, where vaccination against rabbit hemorrhagic disease is recommended annually.

Should Rabbits Be Spayed or Neutered?
Yes, especially spaying female rabbits to prevent uterine cancer. Neutering can also curb unwanted behaviors and health issues.

For further inquiries, feel free to contact us at (262) 781-5277 or email [email protected]. Connect with us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.

Rabbits Care – FAQs

Dr. Molly Kase
Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital

What’s Essential for a Rabbit’s Cage, and How Big Should It Be?
Ensure the cage is spacious enough for the rabbit to move comfortably. Additionally, provide an area outside the cage for exercise, like a large pen or rabbit-proofed room.

Can Rabbits Thrive in Outdoor Hutches?
While technically possible, indoor living is preferred, especially in areas with extreme weather conditions like Wisconsin.

Are Rabbits Suitable Pets?
With proper care and understanding of their needs, rabbits can make wonderful pets, offering affection and companionship.

Are Rabbits Low-Maintenance?
While not overly demanding, proper care involves meeting their dietary, housing, and enrichment needs.

Do Rabbits Require Grooming?
Regular brushing, particularly during shedding seasons, helps prevent hairball issues.

Do Rabbits Need Nail and Teeth Trimming?
Yes, nails require regular trimming, and teeth may need attention under veterinary supervision, especially for rabbits with dental issues.

How Do I Ensure a Balanced Diet for My Rabbit?
Offer a variety of foods, including grass-based hay, pellets, and leafy greens, while limiting high-sugar treats.

For additional resources, visit our website or consult the House Rabbit Society. We’re committed to providing comprehensive care guidelines for various species.

If you have more questions, reach out to us at (262) 781-5277 or email [email protected]. Connect with us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.

Rabbits Nutrition – FAQs

Dr. Molly Kase
Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital

What’s on the Menu for Rabbits?
Rabbits primarily consume hay, supplemented with pellets, veggies, and limited fruits.

What Foods Should Rabbits Avoid?
Steer clear of meat and overly sugary treats, and limit fruits in their diet.

What’s the Diet of Baby Bunnies?
Initially, they rely on mother’s milk, transitioning to hay and alfalfa hay for added calcium.

How Should I Provide Water for My Rabbit?
Offer both a water bowl and a hanging bottle to ensure hydration.

Which Vegetables Are Suitable for Rabbits?
Leafy greens like cilantro and lettuce are excellent choices, while sugary vegetables should be given sparingly.

For more dietary guidelines and tips, visit our website or consult the House Rabbit Society. Feel free to contact us at (262) 781-5277or email [email protected] for further assistance. Connect with us on social media: Facebook | Instagram