
Dog Surgery

Preparing for your dog’s upcoming surgery involves some important decisions and considerations. Here’s what you need to know before your pet’s procedure.

Feeding Before Surgery: Your dog should have an empty stomach before surgery to minimize the risk of vomiting during and after anesthesia. Instructions will be provided by our team based on your pet’s individual health history.

Anesthetic Safety: Modern anesthetics and monitoring techniques have greatly improved the safety of surgeries for pets. Before administering anesthesia, we conduct a thorough physical examination to ensure your pet’s health is suitable for the procedure. Anesthesia is adjusted based on your pet’s individual health needs.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Testing: Blood testing before surgery is crucial for assessing your pet’s organ function and overall health. This helps reduce the risk of anesthesia-related complications and ensures your pet can safely eliminate anesthetic agents. We include pre-anesthetic blood testing with every spay and neuter surgery.

Post-Surgery Pain Management: Pets experience pain similarly to humans, although they may not always show obvious signs. Pain control is a priority for us, and your pet will receive pain medication before and after surgery as needed. Pain medication will be provided for home use to ensure your pet’s comfort during recovery.

Additional Procedures During Anesthesia: While your pet is under anesthesia, we can perform other minor procedures such as nail trimming, ear cleaning, tooth extraction, and microchip implantation. These procedures are more easily accomplished while your pet is sedated.

Morning of Surgery: Plan to bring your pet to our facility between 7:30 am and 7:50 am on the day of surgery. You’ll need to fill out some paperwork and meet briefly with the doctor and their team. We’ll also ask for a contact number where you can be reached during the day. After surgery, you’ll receive instructions from our Certified Veterinary Technician or on your pet’s home care needs.

Anesthesia and Your Dog: We understand that anesthesia can be a concern for pet owners, but rest assured that today’s modern anesthetics are very safe. We use advanced monitoring techniques and conduct pre-operative tests to ensure your pet’s safety during surgery. Anesthesia is administered only by certified professionals, and your pet will be closely monitored throughout the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s surgery or anesthesia, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to provide support and information to ensure your pet’s well-being before, during, and after surgery.