
Dr. Molly Kase

Owner, Veterinarian

Dr. Kase’s education and love for animals has taken her around the world. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, then went to Florida to work for the Mote Dolphin and Whale Hospital. After nine months in Florida, Dr. Kase attended the University of Glasgow in Scotland to study Veterinary Medicine.

After completing her internship at WVRC, Molly was excited to be hired by Brook-Falls Animal Hospital. She started as an associate veterinarian in 2018 and became an owner in 2021.

She believes that being a veterinarian allows her to combine all of her passions: problem-solving, public education, and playing with puppies! Dr. Kase finds it very rewarding to help animals who have no voice and can truly feel the gratitude the animals give back. She loves the need for critical thinking in internal medicine and the special skills required to perform surgery.

Growing up in Door County with her parents, Dr. Kase was surrounded by a large extended family and was very close to every one of them. They all enjoyed outdoor activities together. Dr. Kase was happy to move back to Wisconsin after she finished vet school to be closer to them all.

Currently, Dr. Kase has a young cat named George who enjoys his zoomies as much as a good cat nap in the sun. In between playing with her cat, Dr. Kase enjoys hiking, traveling, and discovering new tv shows.