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Camilla & Her Amazing Healing Journey with Laser Therapy


Camilla presented to Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital for a wound of unknown origin under her fur. She was adopted as a bonded pair, so Mom was willing to do anything to help her get back to her buddy at home! At first glance, we were unsure that Camilla would be able to keep her leg due to the severe infection. Dr. Bloss decided to start her on antibiotics, pain medication, an initial laser treatment and schedule a sedated procedure to make sure Camilla was in as little pain as possible throughout. During her sedated procedure it was worse than we thought but Mom wanted to push through to get her back to her happy, healthy self (shout-out to you, mom, for all your hard work caring for this sweet lady!). After weeks of debriding her wound under anesthesia, keeping the wound clean and bandaged (see picture for the fun way we bandaged! Sometimes we have to get a little creative!), pain management and antibiotics, and twice-weekly laser treatments we started to see HUGE improvements. We were able to reduce her laser treatments to once weekly, and now once a month. The good news is we think she is healing well enough that she will be able to keep her leg! She will have reduced mobility in that limb, but we are very happy with the results we have seen. Check back soon for more updates on Camilla!

Laser therapy was used in conjunction with medication and surgical intervention to help speed up Camilla’s recovery process. Laser therapy played a role in her recovery by:

-Reducing inflammation

-Accelerating tissue repair/cell growth

-Increasing vascular activity

This helped her wound heal much, much faster!