Pet Dental Month: Exotic Small Mammal Dental Awareness
It is National Pet Dental Health Month, so we want to be sure you are aware that exotic small mammals have dental health care needs too! Small mammals such as rabbits, rats, chinchillas, ferrets, guinea pigs, sugar gliders, and hedgehogsall have mouths that might need supportive care throughout their lifetime just like other animals. The average lifespan…
Why You Shouldn’t Buy Real Bunnies For Easter
If you think purchasing live animals for any holiday is a good idea, please make an informed decision. Live animals for Easter are cute when they fit in your child’s Easter basket, but the truth is that once they outgrow that basket, they often outgrow your child’s interest. Bunnies make great pets for pet parents who…
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Detected in La Crosse County
Based on an article that first appeared at Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection Urgent News Release! Today the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) announced that the state’s first case of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus has been found in three domestic rabbits in La Crosse County! To learn more…
Camilla & Her Amazing Healing Journey with Laser Therapy
Kaity Camilla presented to Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital for a wound of unknown origin under her fur. She was adopted as a bonded pair, so Mom was willing to do anything to help her get back to her buddy at home! At first glance, we were unsure that Camilla would be able to keep her leg…